Apr 9, 2024

Three Simple Ways to Check You Magento Version

Easy steps to find your Magento Version

When trying to debug issues on your Magento store, one of the most common questions you will hear is: “which version are you on?”

It is the Magento equivalent of “have you tried turning it off and on?”

Luckily, there are a few straightforward ways to find this out:

Magento Admin 

Once you have logged in to your Magento Admin, scroll to the bottom of any page and in the right-hand of the footer area you will see ‘Magento ver.’ followed by a number. This number is your Magento version 

Version displayed in Magento Admin

Via the browser

If you do not have access to the site admin, you can check the version of a Magento 2 site within the browser. 

Simply type the sire URL in the address bar and add /magento_version to the end. This will then display the version. 

N.b. some sites/hosts may block this URL

Example URL check in browser

via Command Line (Magento 2 Only)

By running the command below you will get the Magento version number:

php bin/magento --version

You can run the following command to see if the site is Community or Enterprise edition:

composer licenses | grep Name:


If you are not on the latest version of Magento, it is always recommended that you upgrade to prevent any security vulnerabilities or performance issues. 

You can see what the latest version is, along with the release notes, on the Adobe Website here.

If you are unsure what upgrading entails or what the benefits and risks are then feel free to get in touch with us and we would be happy to help.